Ev Williams - "Gives everyone a voice"
"Online world is part of the world. It has a role."
Jillian York - "Don't get all techno-utopian. Twitter's great for spreading news, but this revolution happened offline." (talking about the Tunisian Revolution)
"Would this revolution have happened if there were no facebook and twitter? I think this is a key question to ask. If the answer is 'yes', then the contribution that the internet has made was minor; there is no way around it."
Clay Shirky - "No one claims social media makes people angry enough to act (but) it helps angry people coordinate their actions."
Twitter provides a "ring side" seat for another major news event.
Jillian York - "Was it really social media sparkling the revolution?!"
"Somebody had to show the outside world what was happening"
Clay Shirky - "A revolution doesn't happen when society adopts new tools; it happens when it adopts new behaviours."
Good start, Manan. Perhaps a couple of quotes from Morozov and Papacharissi now?